Wandering sickness and the gas of peace

Derek Horton

“Building is a time of expansion.”1

“The universe or nothing - which shall it be?”2

“We have come to a time of increasing mental fluidity. The dome is expressive of our new approach to the universe.”3

“Domes don’t offer as much wind resistance as sharp-angled buildings, which slow down the earth’s rotation.”4

The utopian dream [that] has repeatedly turned into a nightmare needs to be criticised in the name of the democratic utopian hope to which the dream gave expression, not as a rejection of it.”5

  1. Lloyd Kahn (ed), Domebook 2, 1971, Nowels Publications/Pacific Domes, Menlo Park, California.

  2. ‘Cabal’, played by Raymond Massey, in the film “Things To Come” (1936), screenplay by H.G. Wells, directed by William Cameron Menzies.

  3. Swami Kriyananda, in Domebook 2, 1971, op cit.

  4. The Ice Cream Fairy, in Domebook 2, 1971, op cit.

  5. Susan Buck-Morss, Dreamworld and Catastrophe, 2000, MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.