Karin Felbermayr


Schwarzes Quadrat (Black Square), 2005

Rotes Quadrat (Red Square), 2005

Black Square Red Square

Black Square, detail

My Life as a Lady

My life as a Lady

My life as a Lady

2001 - 25th July to 8th August, Munich; 2nd to 5th September, Munich and St. Johann ; 2002 - 24th February to 14th March, Berlin and Budapest

This performance is part of my around-the-clock life. At night I was forced to manufacture and wear special 'sleeping shoes' in order to protect my nails.

Selbstportrait mit Lochmaske (Selfportrait with 'Hole-mask')

Selbstportrait mit Lochmaske

Selbstportrait mit Lochmaske, detail


These pictures were taken during a performance which started by putting on some makeup and artificial eyelashes.

Kleines Schwarzes (Small Black Dress)

Small Black Dress

Small Black Dress

41 m² and Small Black Dress


The SMALL BLACK DRESS is adjustable and can appear in various shapes and sizes. It is a sculpture and a stage set for a possible performance which might never take place.

Wartende (A Woman Waiting)

A Woman Waiting

2004, Berlin

While waiting I only seemed to be passive. I composed a picture. I bit off and chewed lipsticks in order to colour my saliva. After some 4 hours there was a large patch consisting of various shades of red in front of me. Warmed by the sun, it also existed as a mark of scent.

Warum ausspucken?
Weil wir zuviel Wasser haben.
Markieren S/sie I/ihr Revier?

Why spit?
Because we have too much water.
Are you/they marking your/their territory?


Tafelbild (Painting)


41 m²

41 m² and Small Black Dress

41 m²

41 m²


This work is based on the ground plan of my ex-flat in Vienna, 1020, Grosse Sperlgasse 39/15. Since my studio is too small for this sheet of paper, I could not take a picture of it when it is unrolled.