slash back


... slash back \ lean to \ garage / forward slash / slash / cut / kill / manic / seconds / less than time / linear / chrones / kronos / 'ate kids / forward / scholastic \ backward f..... time / fascination / boys' stuff / forward slash / femanine / chora / poesis / moving on / to / non linear / space/ éspace / complexity / cut and paste / space / pace /moves / new moves/ motivation / non-stagnation / multiplication / translation / instant / seconds / out / round two / fast / ongoing / on-lining / dining / expanding / spacing / transversion / tangential / even foetal / fundamental / refractal / secretal / seeping / sectarian / sensational / refuse / re-fuse / sense/a \ sensibility / metrasexual \ journal / second .... best //

P.S. "A thundering good read" ......